How to deal with aggression in Special needs children?
Children with special needs are different, so is their medium of expression. We are all aggressive in some ways - it’s only human. But the manifestation of aggression in special needs populations in itself brings an altogether different set of problems. Aggression in special needs children differs in its strength depending upon the child’s concerns. But regardless of its severity, it is always a difficult emotion to handle. In children, the way in which they express their anger mainly depends on their developmental age. Here, we differentiate between very young children ( 3 - 6 years), young children ( 6 ...

“Inclusion is not tolerance. It is unquestioned acceptance.” Inclusive education for kids with special needs means to educate them in a mainstream school instead of a special needs school. Although most special needs children go to a special school, an inclusive approach has many benefits. But when it comes to having a special needs child in a regular classroom, there are some popular public opinions. Like, “Special needs kids go to special needs school.” “To ensure personal attention, separation of special needs kids is better”“Special education means separate education”With the growing awareness and legal rights ensured to special needs kids, ...

Strategies for Visual Learners
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn” -Ingacio Estrada There is no denying the fact that each child is unique and each one comes with their own superhero abilities. Even with special needs kids, this remains intact. Each child understands and learns about the world differently. With research, we know that that are 5 primary learning styles viz. Visual, auditory, verbal, kinesthetic and logical. Today we explore the traits of Visual learners. Let's look at the ways in which we can modify our teaching to help them learn better. How ...

Does ART THERAPY really help?
To define, we may say that Art Therapy is a form of remedial or diagnostic activity aimed at encouraging free expression through art. Art could include - painting, modelling, drawing, music, etc. It is used with people of all ages and to aid psycho-therapeutic interventions.We at STARLIT often make it a point to inculcate at least some forms of art therapy in our sessions. Depending on the child’s developmental age and specific areas of concern, we incorporate music, play therapy techniques like behavior modeling, pretend play etc. We also incorporate messy play with drawings and paints. People often tend to ...

Mental Health in Children
“10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental health issues but only one-thirds of them get any help.” - World Health Organisation, United Nations. Adults are fairly self-aware of their thoughts, feelings and emotions. They have words to describe them, methods to cope, and the agency to look or ask for help when they need it. In most cases, children don’t have any of this. Children grow at such a fast pace- both physically and psychologically- that it’s often very hard to differentiate between new, age-appropriate behavior, and behavior that might be a sign of an underlying problem. Most children also ...